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Lead: Richard

copy of CD cover with link to CD home page


Solo: Well swing away and let me go
Chorus: Ho the last one
Solo: Swing away and let me go
Chorus: Ho the last one

Heave this line and lemme go
Let me go down to the waterside

Oh we walk down to the waterside
Let me run this boat to the waterside

Pull this boat down to the sea
Pull this boat down to the sea

Heave this line and lemme go
Broke this line and lemme go

Come pull this line and let me go
Swing your tail and let me go

Swing your tail and let me go
Swing your tail and let me go

Young gal, come swing your tail
Swing your tail like a grouper tail

Swing your tail like a snapper tail
Swing your tail like a snapper tail

Young gal, come swing your tail
Swing your tail like a barracuda tail

Young gal, come swing your tail
Swing your tail to the waterside

The last one shall come again
Last one from down below

The last one for the ninety-nine
Last one for the thirty-nine

Swing away and let me go
Swing away and let me go

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A boat-launching song collected by Alan Lomax in the Bahamas in 1935 from a group of Andros Island men. We learned this one from Bob Walser.

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