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©2001, G. Higginbottom

Lead: Richard

copy of CD cover with link to CD home page


As the sun sinks o'er the yard
The evening sea so still and calm
There's a time, there's a time
So long ago

As a young man I sailed the sea
In clipper ships crammed full of tea
From the East, from the East
So long ago

And round Cape Horn me mind goes now
Where waves crash like mountains o'er the bow
All around, all around
So long ago

And as my mind goes back down the years
I'm up aloft with all my fears
In the gales, in the gales
So long ago

So hard the work, so little pay
And always longing for the day
Turning home, turning home
So long ago

Pretty faces where'er you go
Make a sailor's money melt like snow
In the sun, in the sun
So long ago

From Calcutta, Rangoon and Bombay
To Lancaster and Liverpool Bay
Sailing home, sailing home
So long ago

And as I sit here in me chair
The world's gone crazy but I don't care
Memories clear. Memories clear
So long ago

As the sun sinks below the yard
The evening sea so still and calm
There's a time, there's a time
So long ago

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A modern sea song written by Englishman Geoff Higginbottom that we learned from local singer Malcolm Rigby, formerly of Lancaster.

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